Add your media company

By adding your media company to the directory, you get valuable target readers.

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* company name

* website

* email


How to list on EcoHubMap

To add your media company to the Environmental Media Company Directory, you need to enter the following required information:

  • The name of the media company.
  • The country where your apartment is headquartered.
  • Your company's website URL.
  • The city and address where your company is located.
  • Your company's email address.
  • A detailed description of your company (main activities and goal).

Apply for the inclusion of your company in the EcoHubMap directory right now. Fill out a simple form, and after a thorough check of the data you entered, a detailed page with a description of the company and its contacts will appear on our website.

What is the main purpose of adding Environmental News sites?

By uniting environmental media companies on one platform, EcoHubMap creates a developed infrastructure that allows companies to find new readers and join together as a cooperative. It is much easier for you to promote environmental articles on your website if you increase the flow of potential readers and are able to inform people about environmental issues and innovative eco-technologies together with other companies.

What benefits will Environmental Media Sites get from listing in the directory?

For any environmental news outlet, it is very pleasant and important when their environmental publications strike a delicate chord in the hearts of readers. Indeed, every founder wants to see the fruits of their labors whether it be financial gain, reputation or influence on the masses. But because of the enormous competition for people's attention in the news industry, it takes a lot of effort to make even just your website seen and studied by people. The EcoHubMap platform can help you attract new regular readers to your environmental news source. There are two tremendous benefits to environmental magazines from being included in the media company directory. By examining the following advantages, you will realize that this is a very lucrative proposition:

  • The first and very significant advantage is – the New Target Readers. You get not just increased visits to the site by people vaguely interested in the information and namely those valuable target readers who will really be interested in this topic.
  • The second advantage is – Common Purpose. When companies' goals are aligned, there is no friction, no conflict, and companies that used to be seen as competitors can now be interesting and inspiring allies with the common goal of making an effort to get important environmental issues talked about around the world.

These two advantages will allow your ecology websites to acquire regular readers and thereby make the eco audience much more aware.