Borneo Orangutan Survival





Last Update: March 24, 2023

About us

Orangutans are a protected species, under both Indonesian and international law, but their precious forest homes are often not. Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are the leading causes for the decline in orangutan population. BOS Foundation strives to protect Indonesia’s unique jungle ecosystems and restore those which have already been exploited so that orangutans and all Indonesian wildlife have homes for countless generations to come. Our reforestation work started when we opened our orangutan rehabilitation centre at Samboja Lestari, East Kalimantan on a 1,853 ha plot of land that was nothing more than grasses and weeds. That is when we planted our first tree. Today we have a thriving secondary forest but our work there is far from complete. BOS Foundation continues to restore the forest through continued reforestation, maintenance of newly rehabilitated land, and fire management. In 2009, we took our forest protection efforts to new heights when we founded RHOI, or Restorasi Habitat Orangutan Indonesia. The sole purpose of this company was to provide safe forest for wild and rehabilitant orangutans; in 2010, this vision was realised with the procurement of an Ecosystem Restoration Concession (ERC), a business license issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, which gives the receiving company the rights to use and manage the land for 60 years. We have obtained the rights to 86,593.65 ha of rainforest in East Kalimantan, the Kehje Sewen Forest, which translates to ‘home to orangutan’ in the local Wehea Dayak language. Today we continue to release orangutans and protect this ecosystem through sustainable forest management practices.

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    Jalan Kumbang No. 31 Bogor 16128 West Java, Indonesia