Centro Ecoceanos





Last Update: November 20, 2021

About us

Centro Ecoceanos is a non-profit and independant civil society organization created in 1998. Its main objectives are the conservation of marine biodiversity and its ecosystems; strengthening the informed and proactive participation of civil society, indigenous peoples and coastal communities; and promote the equitable development of small scale fisheries. It also promotes the empowerment of NGOs, artisanal fishers, coastal communities and indigenous peoples, in the processes of generating public policies related to the conservation, access and management of marine biodiversity at national, regional and international level. Through the development of research and capacity building projects, environmental education, communications strategies and public campaigns, the organization seeks to encourage the involvement of people and all related stakeholders in identifying problems and develop potential solutions for the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems.



Providencia 365 of. 41 Chile