IUCN Pakistan





Last Update: November 21, 2022

About us

Pakistan's wide variety of ecosystems and habitats range from the Arabian Sea in the south to the second highest peak in the world, K-2, in the north, all hosting a broad diversity of species. Four of these ecosystems are considered some of the most biologically outstanding ecoregions in the world. The IUCN Pakistan country office was established in 1985 and has been an important contributor to environmental work in the country at both policy and community levels, working toward sustainable development. At present, our programmes in Pakistan focus on biodiversity conservation, particularly in the country’s coastal and forest areas, and addressing ongoing challenges to ecosystems and biodiversity preservation, especially in the face of climate change impacts. Work in the country is delivered with a major thrust toward building strong and lasting partnerships with the public sector on new environmental initiatives.



House 70-A, Nazim-ud-Din Road, F-7/4, Islamabad, Pakistan