Nepal Animal Welfare and Research Center (NAWRC)





Last Update: March 06, 2023

About us

We aim to build a responsible community with harmoneous environment for all living beings. Animals in Nepal are traditionally treated as a commodity. Animals are sentient being and have equal rights as human being to live, have safe place for living, good food and proper care. Major animal cruelty rooted in Nepalese community are originated due to irresponsible ownership of animals. Pets animals, domesticated animals, farm animals and other non-human beings are regarded as means or commodity. Growing children, adults and grown-ups; all are raised with the trational concepts of consuming animals. Sacrifice Systems in cultural heritages, temples and monuments are deeply rooted in perceptions and behaviours of all age grouped peoples. It is challenging to change the old religions and perceptions of peoples in behaving animals. Communities needs massive awareness programs to transform their habits changing their long practiced cultures and religions. We are campaigning with local communities awaring the communities to reform the trational concepts with compassionate and humane behavious. We are assisting the transformation programs to build animal friendly communities and fill up compassion to new generations.



25- Shilumarg, Budol (Araniko Highway) Banepa -6, State No. 3, Kavrepalanchok Nepal