Taiwan Green Roof & Green Wall Association





Last Update: August 18, 2022

About us

Taiwan Green Roof & Green Wall Association is formed on May 18th, 2011, by a group of environmental-conscious people consisting of professors, architects, developers, landscape designers and contractors, and horticulture supply companies. It is officially incorporated as a Nation-wide non-profit institution. Our Missions: Develop and provide products and technologies for the Green Roof and Green Wall industry. Establish and publish industry standards and practices. Promote and Educate the public on benefits and safety concerns. Assist governmental agencies in devising policies and measures to impose compulsory Green Roof and Green Walls. Train and certify qualified installers. Secure legislative and financial support from government at the Central and City/County government level. Liaise with relevant associations in promoting the Green Building concept and practices.



No. 142, Wencheng 3rd Road, Tainan City 704