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What is an Agriculture Non-Government Organization?

      Nonprofit organization agriculture is a non-governmental organization that promotes agriculture and rural development in the countryside. Their main goal is to preserve and develop the environment by improving the business of agriculture, introducing new technologies, and informing farmers as well as the poor (which includes rural people).

     Since agriculture is closely linked to the environment and the overuse of natural resources, in today's world the creation of such nonprofit agriculture organizations has become a necessity, so not indifferent people joined forces and began to work together for the benefit of agricultural business and the environment.

Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Agriculture

     At first glance, agricultural development seems to be a simple task, but it is not. Sustainable agriculture non-profits have more advantages of working in rural areas than government organizations because nonprofit farm organizations can adapt to the specifics of a particularly rural area, and in addition, they seek to serve society as a whole. Because the task of development is enormous, many NGOs play a vital role in rural development.

     Below are specific examples of how charities focused on Agriculture are involved in rural development.

 1. Charities That Help Farmers are involved in the development of agricultural projects such as the distribution of planting material, cattle and bird breeding, shallow irrigation, the introduction of free health care for cattle, and the provision of safe drinking water for farm animals.

 2. Nonprofit organizations agriculture also allocate grants for agriculture non-profits aimed at improving the health of animals and villagers: they control the quality of housing in villages, create a smoke-free environment, deal with the delivery of quality drinking water, and organize regular health camps. All these activities aim to improve people's health in rural areas.

 3. Farming charities development programs aimed at village development, moral support during floods and famines, food and drinking water supply during floods, as well as training programs for rural youth (which will stop young people from moving out of rural areas), housing projects, and house reconstruction. In addition, there are special programs for training women in rural areas to help them support themselves and their children.

 4. An important problem in today's context is the accessibility of the market for the products of rural enterprises. Thus, charities for conservation and farming also play a role in the development of rural market marketing. In addition, the agriculture NGO also teaches rural youth how to make products from wood, bailing, and printing press.

What Are the Different Types of Agricultural NGOs?

     Since agriculture encompasses many activities and involves almost the entire rural population, agricultural NGOs focus their attention and work on certain regions of agriculture and address different problems in this industry.

     Many large Agricultural NGOs use and implement modern technology to reduce environmental disasters in rural areas. For example, nonprofit farm organizations are researching and developing soil and new cultivation methods that are less energy-intensive, but at the same time preserve jobs for farmers. In addition, NGOs strive to create special irrigation land aimed at eliminating insect pests, which in turn helps preserve crops in the agricultural business. Nonprofit NGOs monitor and improve sanitary conditions of work and life in rural areas, and control and treat health problems that have arisen in the because of agricultural work.

     Nonprofit organizations and farms are also often involved in establishing communication between rural areas and the government. They ensure that rural communities receive adequate provision and satisfaction for the health and education of rural children. In addition, charities focused on Agriculture work to ensure that rural areas are given the right to political participation and land ownership, not just land tenure.

     Other farming charities help to set adequate prices for rural goods so that agricultural production is competitive. In this way, NGOs protect rural areas from big business.
     Another type of Agricultural NGO activity is the direct financing of agriculture, as well as providing insurance and micro-credits on fair terms. All this allows for the organic development of rural businesses and the competent use of allocated funds.

How to Choose Non-Government Agriculture Organizations

     You should choose a nonprofit organization focused on Agriculture responsibly and research several issues. Then the choice of the Agricultural NGO will be the best and will meet your needs. First, we should study the level of the Agricultural NGO's activities. For example, larger NGOs deal with agricultural problems of whole countries, while smaller NGOs deal with issues of individual agricultural regions. Next, we should examine the orientation of the Charities That Help Farmers. The orientation refers to the type of activities it undertakes. Agriculture NGO activities are site- and country-specific, since different agrarian regions highlight one or another problem. The next aspect to pay attention to is the location in which farming charities operate. It must also meet your request and your location because the most fertile cooperation is possible with those organizations that are closest to you.