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What is a non-governmental against air pollution organization?

     Organizations against air pollution are non-profit organizations that fight for clean air and advocate for stricter regulations for businesses that pollute the air daily with their products to reduce dangerous emissions.

     Air pollution occurs on a minute-by-minute or even a second-by-second basis. In today's world, air pollution is called the most acute environmental problem of our time. In addition, the air that mankind breathes affects the health of the population.

     That is why people who care about the future of the planet and the people have come together to work together to fight air pollution. This is how non-profit air organizations came about

What are organizations doing to stop air pollution?

     Several measures are being taken to prevent air pollution. For example, global air pollution organizations are trying to control and reduce the number of toxic emissions from industrial plants, reduce exhaust emissions from vehicles, and control indoor air pollution.

     Reducing the emission of toxic waste from factories into the air would help to clean the air considerably, especially in industrial areas. There is a whole algorithm of regulation for this: standards have been developed to control air pollutants. Next, organizations against air pollution assess the residual risk to health and the level of adverse effects on the environment if these standards are followed. After that, the most dangerous sources of pollution are identified. This is done for the purpose of further air-pollution governance. If necessary, air pollution control standards are reviewed and adjusted.

     Thus, various chemical, oil refineries, and other industrial plants must monitor the amount of waste released into the air and conduct policies to reduce air pollution.

     Air NGOs also control biohazardous contamination from smaller sources of pollution (such as gas stations or dry cleaners). Although their contribution to air pollution is much smaller, the development of special rules and standards for such businesses also allows them to regulate and markedly reduce air pollution, especially in cities where the concentration of these businesses is quite high.  For example, in the U.S. since 2014, almost 100% of urban sources of air pollution comply with the requirements of air pollution NGOs.

     The next source of pollution that must be controlled is vehicles. Today there is already a positive trend due to more environmentally friendly combustion of gasoline, improvements in fuel quality (for example, the creation of clean diesel fuel), as well as the use of other energy sources besides gasoline (biofuels, electric motors) and the development of so-called "green" cars. In addition, since 2007 there is a special program to regulate the level of benzene in gasoline, which has reduced the concentration of benzene in the environment by more than 50%. Air pollution organizations also require gasoline and diesel producers to reduce sulfur concentrations, and vehicle manufacturers have developed control programs for heavy-duty engines and small spark-ignition engines. In addition, there are specific standards for recreational boat engines, regulations for commercial maritime vehicles, and emission control zones in North America and the Caribbean created to reduce emissions from ships.

     Programs such as clean school buses (in the U.S.), clean diesel programs, the creation of green cars by major automobile manufacturers, and programs to replace older engines with more environmentally friendly ones also help combat air pollution.

     One of the important parameters of air pollution is indoor pollution. Such polluted air primarily affects the health of the population and only then the environment.  Contamination with fine particles, рoor ventilation, growth of mold, bacteria, and viruses, and accumulation of household chemicals in the air can lead to the development of bronchial asthma, chronic respiratory disorders, and various allergies. To prevent such effects of polluted air on the human body, Air NGOs develop special programs of air purification and ventilation, create special devices for additional humidification and disinfection of indoor air, as well as offer special guidelines for the competent design of buildings even before their actual construction.

Why is air pollution the most dangerous type of pollution?

     Pollution of other natural resources is not as harmful to public health and the environment as air pollution. And while pollution of water, soil, and food should also be given proper attention, air pollution should be addressed first. Breathing is a basic function of our bodies, and the air we breathe is of great importance to us. 

     Without air, a person cannot live for more than a few dozen minutes, while without food and water he can live for up to a week on average. Such an acute need in the air of living beings makes us think about the need to purify it. In addition, by breathing polluted air, a large number of people or other living beings are affected at one time. So, toxic substances in the air can lead to an outbreak of disease or poisoning among the population.

     Harmful substances in the air affect the entire human body: skin, mucous membranes, organs of sight and smell, impair the immune system, cause cancer, and increase the risk of giving birth to children with malformations, but our respiratory organs suffer the most. Most studies confirm that every day more hazardous substances enter the human body through the air than through water, food, dirty hands, or skin. Inhalation is also the most dangerous way of getting pollutants into the body. After all, harmful substances can reinforce each other's detrimental effects. Contaminants entering the body through the respiratory tract bypass such a protective biochemical barrier as the liver – as a result, their toxic effects are 100 times stronger than those of substances that enter through the gastrointestinal tract with food and water.

How to Choose Nonprofit Air Organizations

     When choosing a Nonprofit Air Organization, there are several issues to consider. To begin with, it is necessary to pay attention to where this or that organization works. Since organizations that help with air pollution are widespread throughout the world and can address the problems of different countries and regions, you should prefer the organization that is closest and solves the issue of air purification in your location. You should also inquire about the specific activities of the organization in question. Some organizations prefer to work with large sources of air pollution, others with smaller ones, or solve the problem of air pollution in closed rooms. Depending on the type of activity, the company may or may not be competent to deal with your issue.