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What is a climate change NGO?

     Climate change is a pressing global problem that transcends national borders and can turn into a climate crisis for all of humanity. An industrial plant or any other facility from which emissions enter the environment is a source of pollution. Emission sources include the smokestacks of factories and boiler houses, process plants and baffles, locomotives and airplanes, and even the streets through which traffic moves. All this negatively affects the environment and contributes to climate change. There are special non-profit organizations that help climate change (or NGOs) that play an important role in combating this issue. It is their responsibility to educate the public and large companies to make them aware of the importance of reducing carbon emissions and preventing a climate catastrophe.

     Climate change is an inevitable phenomenon, the consequences of which will long impact the lives of future generations of all countries. NGOs and other organizations that fight for climate stability around the world daily express their experiences about rising greenhouse gas emissions and the depletion of natural energy sources. Given all the possible risks and consequences, NGO representatives urge attention to this problem and participate in its solution by responding to climate change and restoring climate justice.

     The work of non-governmental organizations on climate change also focuses on promoting climate change charities.

What are the two largest sources of greenhouse gases?

     Nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide are considered the most toxic gases in the Earth's atmosphere. NGO Greenhouse gas is studying the effects of these gases on atmospheric pollution.

     NO represents seven different compounds, although only one, nitrogen dioxide, is the most dangerous. NO2 can be found naturally in the environment in the breath of bacteria, volcanoes, lightning, and the stratosphere. Other sources of nitrogen oxides are combustion products from thermal power plants, motor vehicle exhausts, and metallurgical wastes. Further, as a result of photochemical reactions, oxides in the atmosphere become dioxides.

     Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a dangerous air pollutant that can react with ozone. This reaction can lead to the formation of acid rain. NO2 is a reddish-brown gas with a bitter odor similar to the smell of chlorine. NO2 is also commonly referred to as nitrogen oxide, which is highly reactive.

     Carbon dioxide exists in a gaseous state under normal conditions – at atmospheric pressure and “normal” temperatures. It is ubiquitous: it is emitted in the respiration of animals and plants and is an important part of the chemical composition of the atmosphere and ocean. CO2 is colorless and odorless. Under normal conditions, it is also tasteless and can dissolve in water, which is used, for example, in the production of gas drinks.

     Carbon dioxide is 1.5 times heavier than air, so it tends to “settle” in its lower layers if the room is poorly ventilated.

     There is only about 0.04% CO2 in our planet's atmosphere, and not long ago it was even less. Despite this tiny percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it absorbs and traps infrared radiation from the Earth's surface, which ultimately contributes to higher temperatures on the planet. 

What are the cons of the greenhouse gas effect?

 The greenhouse effect is a disruption in the Earth's climatic equilibrium caused by an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases (nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide), increasing global average surface temperatures. The increase in greenhouse gases has led to the phenomenon of global warming, resulting in worldwide climate change that is already irreversible in some areas. Living conditions on Earth are now considered ideal, so rising temperatures could be devastating for humanity and other living creatures on Earth. Thus, Nonprofit Greenhouse Gas Organizations are now trying to solve the problem of global warming caused by the greenhouse effect.

How organizations help climate change

     The solution to climate change is in the hands of every member of society. NGO representatives join together in climate action to develop projects to conserve natural resources and contribute to emission reductions. From reducing CO2 emissions to creating charities for climate change, the work to achieve these goals is already well underway.

There are some examples of climate change initiatives:

1. Energy industry. One way to confront climate change is to promote the replacement of natural energy sources with renewable ones. To do this, NGO members develop climate projects and share their ideas about how to reduce CO2 emissions and how to switch to renewable energy systems. In addition, global warming organizations are working to develop safe and least energy-intensive space cooling systems. Their work is based on modern cooling technologies, such as “cooling paper”, which can reduce indoor temperatures. The work of climate organizations is aimed at abandoning natural energy sources, such as coal, and searching for their analogs.

2. Industry and transport. There are many organizations that are committed to moving all modes of transportation to a zero-emission format. These organizations form a coalition, which, in turn, is responsible for making transportation accessible in rural areas and making the economics of decarbonization a reality. 

3. Tree planting. Approximately 12 million hectares of forests are destroyed each year, and deforestation, along with agriculture and other forms of land use, is responsible for about 25 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change NGOs are working hard to stop and reverse this trend, planting trees both individually and collectively. For example, the Plant Trees for the Planet initiative gives people the opportunity to sponsor tree planting around the world.

4. Dissemination of information. Members of climate change organizations are constantly talking about how important it is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Their goal is to inspire more than one billion people to take decisive action and call on leaders to act boldly to protect the climate. Non-profit climate organizations believe that the actions of one billion people can reduce as much as 20 percent of the world's carbon emissions. They also agitate young people to join grassroots groups focused on climate change.

How many climate change NGOs are there?

     Non-government climate change organizations are a feature of modern society and are rapidly gaining popularity. It should be noted that the number of NGOs has grown rapidly over the past 40 years. The main difference between NGOs and for-profit organizations is their focus on social values, not on profit. They are, of course, funded by funders and other members of society willing to donate to benefit their work. The purpose of climate change non-profit organizations is to educate and guide society to conserve natural resources. All of their services are free or offered at a minimum price that is below the market rate. The number of climate change organizations grows every year, and in 2020 there were more than 1,300 international climate change organizations.

     Every conscious person on the planet understands that preventing global warming and its effects on society, economies, and ecosystems in the coming decades will be impossible. That is why environmentalists are working at an accelerated pace to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt the planet to the effects of climate change. To do this, they are working to assess possible and existing risks and weaknesses in economics and policy in order to find solutions to reduce climate risks and damages.

How to Choose Nonprofit Water Organizations

     The development of non-profit water organizations has been recognized internationally, thanks to the widespread dissemination of this experience in publications and at numerous forums and conferences. Much of the practical success of implementing climate change water projects is based on a long-term understanding by water professionals of the need to use available water resources more efficiently. Creating driving forces is important to provide the foundations for change and to help drive further development and progress.

     To select the best climate change organization for a particular case, it is important to look at the area in which a particular non-profit climate change organization works. Specifically, whether its work focuses on issues you are interested in, such as:

● reducing carbon footprint;
● fighting global warming;
● reducing water use;
● climate change charities etc.

     The location of the non-profit climate change organization and the territories within which it is active are also important criteria.

     Climate change is an inevitable phenomenon, the consequences of which will long affect the lives of future generations of all countries. NGOs and other organizations that fight for climate stability around the world daily express their experiences about rising greenhouse gas emissions and the depletion of natural energy sources. Given all the possible risks and consequences, NGO representatives urge attention to this problem and participate in its solution by responding to climate change and restoring climate justice.