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Fish NGOs are non-profit organizations that work with fishermen and fishing companies whose goal is to protect aquatic ecosystems, develop methods of sustainable fisheries, preserve endangered fish species, and reduce the impact on aquatic ecosystems. Thus, the main feature of Fish non-profit organizations, as well as any other non-profit organizations, is that they do not receive any profit from their activity. They aim only to protect fish species and to fish sustainably. Fish consumption around the world is on the rise. Millions of people depend on fish products because fish consists of protein and is a good health food. Therefore, in order to conserve fish stocks and control fish catching in an environmentally friendly way, Fish non-profit organizations began to appear. They work to create an aquatic environment where every inhabitant is safe and free.
Fish NGOs play a significant role in the world today. They save dolphins, protect sharks, monitor the aquatic environment, and educate the public. Each Fish non-profit organization protects specific ocean, river, and endangered fish species in different parts of the world, and deals with a range of issues. Special non-governmental fish organizations protest whale hunting, fight to poach, and oppose the killing of sharks. They also raise public interest in this issue through the arts. Films about the mass killing of fish for eating are being created, a series of photographs and children's drawings that tell us about the non-ecological extermination of fish are being published, and there are online campaigns urging humanity not to attend aquatic shows at delphiniums. A lot of fish protection organizations are trying to get the attention of young people by conducting educational programs and distributing materials to schools across America. This is done to make young people aware of what is happening to the ocean and its inhabitants and what is threatening them. In addition, some Fish NGOs are working to disseminate information about poorly studied fish species and developing new methods to restore populations of forage fish whose numbers are declining. Many fishing nonprofit organizations are establishing special reserves for endangered fish species. Modern fish protection organizations with leading engineers and researchers are successfully using new technology to develop cheap solutions or analyze our polluted reservoirs of water. Some Fish NGOs use a special program, a cheap ocean monitoring network, to track the long-term condition of the ocean. The world's major Fish protection organizations are generally dedicated to maritime conservation. Their goal is to make the world's oceans as healthy and full of diverse inhabitants as they once were. Organizations supporting sustainable fishing work with fishing companies to contribute to the maritime environment by accepting and encouraging sustainable fishing techniques. Such fish NGOs also inform the public about the importance of choosing sustainable seafood and how it can contribute to the maritime ecosystem. In this case, the fish NGO traces the path of seafood from “boat to plate”. It's called the supply chain. The tracking process guarantees that consumers receive seafood that is sustainably caught. Fish companies that have complied with all the fish NGOs' requirements receive a special eco-label for their products. Seafood can only be certified if the target species are not over exploited.
In the modern world, there are many fish protection organizations, as the issue of environmental protection, including aquatic, is quite acute. More and more people want to join the protection of the aquatic world. For them, at first, choosing the right non-governmental fish organization may seem difficult. In order to select the right fish protection organization, several issues should be studied. To begin with, one should check to see in which location the particular Fish NGO works because different organizations may be involved in fish protection in different countries and even in specific reservoirs of water in the same country. In addition, different fishing nonprofit organizations are involved in the protection of different species of fish. You should also pay attention to this. The next criterion that the fish NGO must satisfy is whether it can solve your request. The global goal for non-governmental fish organizations is the same: to stop the destruction of natural habitats and the killing of wildlife in the world's oceans to preserve and protect existing species and ecosystems. But in reality, each organization is engaged in slightly different activities: educating the public, promoting rare and endangered fish species, fighting to poach and kill aquatic creatures, controlling ecological fishing, cleaning the ocean, and creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of aquatic beings, etc. Therefore, you should thoroughly study what exactly this or fish non-profit organization is engaged in, and then the circle of companies you are interested in will be considerably narrowed.