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Forest Defenders NGOs are non-profit organizations whose aim is to protect the natural resources of the forest and to reduce the negative impact of humanity on the environment. These organizations did not arise by chance, but because, the rate at which forests are cut down is too high and is not covered by the rate of reproduction, although, forests are a renewable resource. The environmental problems of forests are related to several reasons: weather changes, uncontrolled hunting, and poaching increased frequency of forest fires, garbage in the forest, and deforestation. Millions of hectares of deciduous and coniferous forests are destroyed each year. So, that’s why active members of society decided to join forces to protect the forests. This is how forest NGOs came into being. The forest as vegetation provides mankind with oxygen. It is rightly said that the forest is the lungs of the planet. It produces oxygen and naturally disposes of chemical pollution, purifying the air. Trees protect the atmosphere from poisonous gases, soot and other pollution, and noise. Thus, forest NGOs' protection of natural resources plays a huge role in saving the environment.
A forest is not just a collection of trees, but a complex ecosystem that combines plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms, and influences the climate, drinking water, and clean air. Forest non-governmental environmental organizations play a leading role in protecting the forest fund. Members of the organization have determined that logging can be done without harm to the environment if the principle of continuous forest management, based on a balance of logging and reforestation, is respected. In order to reduce the damage from logging and save the forest, NGOs create environmental projects and actions. The tasks of these activities include: ● Increasing the area where new forests are planted. ● Expansion of existing and new protected areas, and forest reserves. ● Introduction of effective measures to prevent forest fires. ● To carry out measures, including preventive measures, to combat diseases and pests, and to select tree species that are resistant to environmental stress. ● Forest landscape restoration. ● Protection of forests from the activities of mining companies. ● The implementation of the fight against poachers. ● Encouragement of ecotourism, etc. NGO forest conservation also works on the implementation of these projects at the state level, looking for approaches to the government and popularization of the idea of reforestation among society.
The disappearance of forests is a global ecological problem. More than a million biological species living in tropical forests are threatened with extinction. Soil erosion that develops after logging leads to floods because nothing can hold back the flow of water. Floods are caused by disruption of groundwater levels as tree roots that feed on them die. People take much from the forest: materials for construction, food, medicine, and raw materials for the paper industry. Wood, needles, and bark of trees serve as raw materials for many branches of the chemical industry. About half of the wood that is extracted goes to fuel, and one-third goes to construction. A quarter of all medicines used come from rainforest plants. Every year we learn about new places where illegal and uncontrolled deforestation takes place. Unfortunately, government agencies are not always interested in forest protection. Indeed, as mentioned above, people take a lot from the forests. Sometimes the government simply does not have time to identify in time the locations where illegal deforestation takes place. It is in these situations that NGOs come to the rescue. They publicize the problem, thereby trying to stop forest destruction. NGO members try to make the point that people can do many things to save the forests: use paper products rationally and economically, buy recycled products, including paper, plant trees near their homes, and replace trees cut down for firewood with new saplings. By drawing public attention to the issue of forest destruction, forest defender NGOs are gaining popularity and more and more people are joining their ranks or forming their own coalitions.
The forest is one of the cheapest sources of natural wealth, and every minute 20 hectares of forestland are destroyed. If you are thinking about replenishing these natural treasures and want to help prevent deforestation or address some other issue related to forest protection, it is important to find the right forest NGO. Firstly, it is worth paying attention to the location where the organization you are interested in works. This factor is important to take into account since it is almost impossible to influence deforestation remotely. Therefore, you should determine which NGOs are territorially located as close as possible to the natural site you are interested in. The second essential factor is the NGO forest conservation's previous experience and what projects it has already been involved in. This or that forest has a certain specificity of landscape protection due to the territory and climate in which it is located. Historical aspects are also important. For example, a rainforest NGO implements projects on the world's tropical forests and the legal rights of their inhabitants. Other forest NGOs focus more on climate issues, industrial logging, and anti-poaching. There is a great variety of problems in the development of the forest sector, such as the transition to an intensive model of forest management, the resolution of contradictions between the requirements of voluntary forest certification and industry legislative and regulatory framework, and legal solutions to problems associated with the conservation of old-growth intact forests, etc. That is why it is important to choose a nonprofit forest organization seriously and understand whether it will be competent to address your issues.