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What are turtles protection organizations?

     Turtles protection organizations are non-profit organizations that were formed to protect threatened turtles and their habitat. Non-governmental turtle organizations specialize not only in protecting turtles but also in preventing human damage to them. They also work for habitat restoration and the recovery of rare turtle species.

Why do nonprofits protect tortoises?

     Despite the armored nature of tortoises, they have many enemies both on land and in water. Of course, the most important enemy of tortoises is man, who captures and kills these reptiles for meat, shell, eggs, and just for fun, as well as deliberately or accidentally destroys the habitats and breeding grounds of these animals.

     Unfortunately, turtles and their eggs are still being eaten, despite conservation efforts by organizations for tortoises conservation. Nowadays, a dish made of turtles is considered a delicacy. Things are worse in Asian countries, where many endangered species of turtles (and even those considered extinct) have been found in common food markets.

     In addition, ocean and sea turtle protection organizations work to protect turtles from nature itself. Like all other animals, turtles are plagued by viruses, fungi, parasites, and helminths. Often sick and weakened turtles become food for ants and small bugs which can bite a turtle's soft body parts within a short period. Therefore, to save the turtles, nonprofit turtles organizations carry out catching weakened turtles to help them and then release them into the wild. 

     Another catastrophe for the turtles has been their domestication. People put turtles in their home aquariums to satisfy their aesthetic whims, and no one cares about the safety and comfort of the animal. 

What are non-government organizations doing to save the turtles?

     The main reason for the turtles' plight is anthropogenic changes in the habitat of this species. Human settlements are sprawling, swallowing up gentle coastal slopes, old fields, and vineyards. Many young turtles are preyed upon by anthropods such as pigs, dogs, crows, and rats. While the turtle is small, its shell is very fragile and it is completely defenseless. Being aware of the globality of the problem, NGO protection turtles try to fight the extinction of rare species of turtles. The main activities to protect endangered turtle species are focused on:

 1. Protecting places where turtles lay their eggs. To protect and preserve sea turtle eggs, sea turtle organizations create new nesting sanctuary beaches. Eggs are dug up and transported from mainland beaches or inhabited islands to beaches on outlying islands so that when the turtles grow up, they can return to a new, safe place to lay their eggs. There are also turtle nurseries where the turtles are reared until they are a few days old and then released into the sea under supervision.

 2. Measures to prevent turtles from being killed by cars. Organizations for tortoises conservation have developed special projects to install fences in coastal areas that touch the freeway. This keeps the turtles off the road, and drivers are not afraid to collide with the animal and thereby harm it.

 3. Protection of sea turtles dying due to oil spills, trash, and fishing nets. Modernization of fishing gear has saved the lives of tens of thousands of endangered turtles around the world.

 4. Non-profit turtles conservation organizations are also staging rallies and protests to stop the capture and use of turtles for commercial purposes. They are asking the authorities to ban turtle fishing at the legislative level and thereby hold poachers accountable for catching rare turtle species.  

How to Choose Nonprofit turtles Protection Organizations

     Among the many tortoise conservation organizations, the main thing is to choose the right one for you. To do this, you should pay attention to several criteria.

     First of all, pay attention to the area where the organization you are interested in is located. If there is no turtle protection agency in your desired region, you can contact endangered species advocates or organizations that support the protection of ocean animals. 

     Secondly, identify the key issue you wish to address with a turtles protection NGO and choose an organization that may be able to help you with that issue.

     Don't forget about turtle protection charities. Not all nonprofit turtles organizations have such a fund, but if you are interested in holding a charity event to raise funds to help these replicates, you should consider whether the organization you are interested in has such a fund.