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What are Waste Non-government Organizations?

     Waste NGOs are non-profit organizations that collect and recycle trash thrown in the wrong places and not cleaned up, and fight against landfills around the world. Such Waste nonprofit organizations also promote the idea of conscious consumption, the need to sort garbage, and turn waste into recyclables.

Types of Nonprofit Waste Organization

     Worldwide experience counts more than 20 ways to collect, neutralize and dispose of waste. The main ones are incineration, composting, landfilling, and reuse. Depending on what type of waste and how it is disposed of or recycled, waste nonprofit organizations are divided into different types.

 1. Recycling Nonprofit organizations that are engaged in garbage collection. Such companies organize the removal of garbage from spontaneous dumps. In the future, the trash is sorted and sent for recycling or disposal.

 2. Recycling NGO. Companies sort the already mixed garbage at special facilities, with the materials then returned to production. However, this is an extremely time-consuming, epidemically and toxically dangerous process, which allows sorting out no more than 30% of the waste.

 3. Recycling Non-government organizations that are engaged in the primary sorting of garbage and further recycling. In the initial sorting of garbage in the places of its formation, it is possible to select up to 80% of useful secondary raw materials. For this purpose, companies inform the population and promote the necessity of sorting household waste. Experience has shown that recycling is feasible for materials such as steel, aluminum, glass, and paper and is of limited use for plastics, packaging materials, newspapers, and electronic waste.

 4. Biological Recycling Companies. Such companies recycle waste into organic fertilizer - compost. Of the known recycling methods, the most efficient and hygienic by far is the method of bioprocessing in rotating cylindrical drums.

 5. Waste management NGOs that deal with thermal processing methods. The most common recycling methods nowadays are thermal methods - incineration, gasification, and pyrolysis. Some trash is burned in furnaces to produce energy. While the incineration method can significantly reduce the volume of waste, it produces even more environmentally hazardous ash and slag that requires special disposal or landfilling measures. Eco-concrete technology is used for processing toxic slags: mixing slags after their neutralization with cement, lime, or silica, followed by hardening of the mixture.

 6. Companies cleaning up the world's oceans. Plastic waste is filling more and more of the water space. The area of such a landfill exceeds that of the United States. Therefore, there are separate companies whose goal is to eliminate the spontaneous dumping in the Earth's bodies of water as well as on the coasts.

 7. Companies that deal with unsuitable waste. These companies neutralize, purify, decontaminate and dispose of those wastes that are not suitable for recycling. The purpose of their existence is to destroy unsuitable waste without harming the environment.

     In addition, companies can be classified according to the material they recycle: companies that recycle paper, food waste, fabrics, scrap metal, batteries, NGOs collecting plastic, glass, etc.

What are organizations doing to reduce waste?

     The problem of urban pollution and its solution has proven to be extremely difficult. Waste contains almost all the variety of substances and materials found in nature and man-made. Today, on average, there are 250-300 kilograms of solid waste per person per year in a big city. The ecological problem of garbage acquires frightening proportions, because every day the amount of unprocessed waste is only increasing, and no one can give clear instructions to combat this problem.

     So what exactly is each community-based organization doing to reduce the amount of trash on our planet? The main principles of the fight against waste, according to scientists, are the following: do not produce unnecessary garbage, reuse things that have become unnecessary, and recycle.

     The first and one of the most important steps is sorting garbage. Unsorted garbage does not end up in recycling, but rots in landfills, thereby polluting the land and oceans and killing ecosystems. For example, a plastic bag needs 100-200 years, an aluminum can needs 500 years. Separating waste will help to use it more efficiently: make things or energy from it without harming the planet. Therefore, companies create special waste collection points, where you can dispose of waste of different categories (plastic, paper, glass), as well as special applications on phones, where you can find the closest collection point.

     Also, many Waste Non-government organizations actively call for sensible and conscious consumption. They make the public aware of the importance of such simple actions as giving up plastic bags, disposable coffee cups, and dishes, turning in waste paper and unwanted clothing, and sorting household waste at home.

     The next step Recycling Nonprofit organizations are taking to reduce waste is recycling. Many materials can be recycled and reused twice. Recycling is of great importance to the entire world. Through it, the following issues are addressed:

● Some resources have a limited supply and there is no way to replenish them shortly. With the help of recyclables, costs can be reduced.
● When the waste ends up in the environment, it contaminates it and can even release toxic substances.
● Recyclables can be used as a less costly way to produce most products when compared to buying a natural resource.
● In addition, such organizations strive to dispose of trash that cannot be reused in an environmentally friendly manner. They are developing greener alternatives to incineration, the method most commonly used to dispose of household waste in many countries. For example, there is currently a special waste management system based on a chemical-mechanical process consisting of five components (disinfection, decolorization, deodorization, decontamination, and disintegration). Such companies also develop environmentally friendly ways to dispose of hazardous waste.

How to Choose Nonprofit Waste Organizations

     As mentioned above, the problem of contamination of the Earth and the existence of dumps is complex and difficult to solve at this time. Despite all the contributions from waste and recycling nonprofit organizations, there is still no single system that is 100% effective and beneficial both economically and environmentally. Nevertheless, a huge number of non-profit trash organizations already exist and are making a tremendous contribution to the problem of trash and recycling.

     To decide which NGOs in waste management to choose and with whom to cooperate, several questions should be explored. First, you should find out where the organization is located and if you can physically cooperate. Because when it comes to trash recycling, you often need to have a person present and physically help you sort through the trash, for example. Next, be sure to find out what kind of material the company in question is disposing of or recycling. Most companies pay attention to household and food waste because they are a large percentage of humanity's daily destruction.

     On the other hand, some companies recycle particularly hazardous waste, such as medical or chemical waste. Or, some companies deal exclusively with the cleaning of water bodies. When choosing a company, it is essential to pay attention to this, because your interests may not align with those promoted by the company.